... And old beliefs ...

After the oceans, where it all began, came the hominid. And what a difficult beginning it was, so fragile, a tiny twig hanging on in the storm in the midst of a nature as violent as it was generous. And little by little, millennium after millennium, here we are, alone homo, poor Sapien, blind to our certainties, psychotic clinging to a few hopes of saving beliefs. Yet there was a time when another world was possible. Despite repeated attempts at beauty, Sapien was unable to find his harmony and lost himself through creative violence. Schism. From rough stone to belief, from flint to monoliths, from hope to dismay, from earth to sky: the odyssey of the species.

[La photo du squelette : L’homme de Neandertal de la Chapelle Aux Saints, dans son musée] - [Photo des chevaux de La Chaire à Calvin - Magdalénien - Musée National de Préhistoire des Eyzies-de-Tayac] - [Photo de Silex] – [Dolmens] – [Antiquités romaines] – [Sépultures mérovingiennes] – [Croix romanes] – [Héritages chrétiens] – [Statues du pays Dogon]